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Warning: Linux and Os x installations work fine, but currently there is a problem in the windows version. We are currently fixing this. When this warning is removed it will be fixed



First install the above required external tools.
Then just unzip the file and add the bin/ subdirectory to your system's PATH environment variable. Optionally do a logout/login of your user session to let the new system PATH environment variable really apply.

For Linux/Mac
For example you can extract the zip-files in /usr/local/ and add the following lines to your system wide bash configuration script /etc/profile:

  export TOMTE_ROOT_PATH=/usr/local/tomte-0.3 

Note: instead of a system install in /usr/local/ you could also do a personal install of Tomte in your home directory. Then edit ~/.bashrc instead of /etc/profile.

For Windows
For example you can extract the zip-files in C:\Program Files and add the following to your system environment variables:

  TOMTE_ROOT_PATH=C:\Program Files\tomte-0.3 

Note: instead of a system install in C:\Program Files you could also do a personal install of Tomte in your home directory. Then add above variables to your user environment variables instead of the system environment variables.