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First install the above required external tools.
Then just unzip the file and add the bin/ subdirectory to your system's PATH environment variable. Optionally do a logout/login of your user session to let the new system PATH environment variable really apply.

For Linux/Mac
For example you can extract the zip-files in /usr/local/ and add the following lines to your system wide bash configuration script /etc/profile:

  export PATH=/usr/local/tomte-0.4/bin:$PATH

Note: instead of a system install in /usr/local/ you could also do a personal install of Tomte in your home directory. Then edit ~/.bashrc instead of /etc/profile.

For Windows
For example you can extract the zip-files in C:\Program Files and add the following to your system environment variables:

  PATH=...;C:\Program Files\tomte-0.4\bin

Note: instead of a system install in C:\Program Files you could also do a personal install of Tomte in your home directory. Then add above variables to your user environment variables instead of the system environment variables.